maandag 27 december 2010

Creative spasms

I seem to be having those lately and I find it hard to decide whether I'm happy about it or not. Of course one should always look on the bright side of things, but when those creative spasms involve having to use a drawing tablet and one's pen to go with the drawing tablet is still missing, it turns rather frustrating and nasty. On the other hand, when those creative spasms come in the form of writing, I get very happy. Last week I wrote a review on the latest Golden Sun: Dark Dawn game after finishing and I must say, I'm rather proud of how it turned out (the review, the game was rather disappointing). And it just happens to be so that today I've written two whole pages in Word on my novel. Guys, I think I might finish a chapter eventually!

One of my less positive spasms was the decision of quitting school. Again. It just happened to be so that my uncle decided to ask how I was doing, mainly in school, and he is one of the few people I just can't lie to. For a very long time I've been telling others and myself that things are all going well, while that is just one big lie. Mostly the keep up the appearance because I wouldn't want to look like an utter failure in the eyes of others, but also hugely because I had to convince myself I still really liked this education. And I did really like the communication parts, but there was barely anything of that going on. And then I wondered whether I'm really such a cold hearted sales bitch and I came to the conclusion that I'm not. So I quit, also because I was going to have to pay 5000 Euros of tuition fees per year from next year on and I really can't afford that. So now I'm on the hunt for a job and so far things are going pretty good.

There is one very important thing my time at this education has given me, though, and it has nothing to do with academic aspects. It just happened to be so that one of my classmates is befriended to a very old friend of mine that I hadn't spoken to in, well, years. Our mutual commenting on his Facebook page brought us together again and soon more of my old friends came back in my life. The tsunami of nostalgia is still a bit hard to deal with, but I can't say I'm not happy about this happening! It was very stupid of me back then to just kick them out of my life and I'm glad they're so forgiving as to have me back.

In the meanwhile the snow is slowly starting to drive me crazy, especially since Christmas has now passed and the Winter Wonderland doesn't really add anything to the atmosphere anymore. It's not just become a huge annoyance, especially for us poor mail delivering people. And really, Landal/Centerparcs, 70 kilos of books? Please. Ugh, hopefully tomorrow will be one of the last times I'll have to risk my life on the ice track with my bicycle, on the one side because I hope the snow will be gone asap and on the other side because that'll mean I finally got a better job.

Anyway. Back to writing some more on my Novel Of Fail of which I can hopefully soon present you the first chapter. Adieu!

zondag 5 december 2010

Oh come there once looking

I love Sinterklaas! But sadly, it'll over again by tomorrow... Seriously, time flies like a jet engine. Which is good for moments that aren't as pleasurable, I admit, but the fun moments are over just like that as well. But for insane nationalists like me, Sinterklaas, WK and Kongininnedag are my favourite times of the year. And that's without even considering the pepernoten and chocoladeletters and marsepein.............. 

Blegh, school isn't going nearly as good as I thought. The only things I've passed are the Communication test, Project and Presenting. And of course this has Leonidas-kicked me into such a pit of lack of confidence that I'm going to have to go back to the shrink. Which I don't like. At all. At least my classmates appeared to be less horrible than they seemed at first. 

Last week there was a lot I wanted to say over here, but most of it was either too angsty and whiny or it made no sense whatsoever. So this will be it.