zondag 20 december 2009


Time for a new blog! Not that my life is so terribly interesting that I actually have to keep up with it, but I personally quite like blogging. When I was young I always kept a diary, I still have the whole pile of it. A while ago I was reading back into them and seriously, I was such an angsty, whiny kid, LOL! Glad to know nothing has changed.

Every day I take the same long, boring route to school. Having to take the intercity makes the trip slightly less dreadful because those are so much more comfortable and having to get out in Deventer in the freezing cold prevents me from falling asleep. Last week, however, I decided to take a whole new detour. Via Germany.... Sometimes I amaze myself with my intelligence, really. Only a genius like me could have pulled off something like this. I had to switch trains in Hengelo and take the international train from Germany to Almelo and Deventer. I feared I was going to miss the connection because we had a slight delay so I was glad to see the train was still there. So I took a ninja-dash across the platform, Superwoman-jumped into the train and performed a victory dance before I took a (not so) comfortable seat. But just as the doors were sliding to shut, I felt my doom crash upon me....

This was the fucking train TO Germany, not FROM. Insert facepalm here. I had no idea WHERE in Germany we were going and how long it was going to take. All I knew was that it was in GODDAMN GERMANY and I had no money on me. Bawww! So I went to pout and sob at the security guys in my very best German and all they did was laugh. Apparantly it happens quite often and all I had to do was wait for an hour and a half (!!!!!!!!) in the freezing cold for the train back to Hollanda. Eventually I was even in time for school!

And the shit with my school is -finally- arranged. I'm going to switch to History in September and then do an English minor. That way I can take my time to get my propedeuse and re-do my teaching practise.

And really. If you're trying to give of subtle hints, I'm not getting them. I've really lost track of what you're trying to say. Stop confusing me.

Last but not least, my sister and I had a snowball fight! I tried to add a photo, but Blogger is being a betch.

maandag 7 december 2009

It's still December, so...

I still have a valid reason to whine and be emotional. Because everyone has a winter depression, right?

I can't stand the fact that now I'm really giving school my all, some administrative bitchery is going to ruin this or me. I should be glad though, at least the dean finally managed to send me back an e-mail, though the news he brought wasn't exactly something to do a happy-dance over. I have to unenroll from English and sign up for parttime History. But guys, I don't want to do parttime History! I'm a fulltime student, I just have to sign up for this bullcrap because you can't get your papers straight! How can you simply cancel a whole education? What about those tons of students who want to change majors because of the minor they've chosen? You're forcing them to stay at an education they don't want to do! All I want is to change my subject. In stead of following English I'll be joining History. Is that so hard to comprehend? Apparantly. Argh! Bureaucracy! I'll have to arrange shit with the examboard myself if I want to get anything done because the dean doesn't know shit either.

On a happier note, I really enjoyed playing 'secret Sinterklaas'. Because we're all adults, we no longer place our shoes to receive presents, but that's such a shame! Coming downstairs and finding a little present in your shoe is fun for people of all ages. So I secretely bought chocolate letters for my mother, sister and myself (There wasn't even a letter 'w'! So I bought the 'e' of Elmida) and those little mints for my dad and giftwrapped them. When everyone was in bed I got their shoes and placed them at the front door with the present inside, hehehe! Everyone seemed pleasantly surprised. We spent Sinterklaasavond with Ik Houd Van Holland, which was absolutely hilarious and after that we've been playing Cluedo until past midnight. Ack, I love that game!

Whoop, let's end this blog with that positive moment. *Thumbs up*