vrijdag 24 september 2010

Salt in the wound

Luckily my ear is feeling better, and even luckier for me it popped this morning, so now I can hear with two ears again. VICTORY! I must say, you quickly forget how insanely loud the world is when you can hear at full capacity again. You know when the world is especially loud? When you're in a train packed so full it has to leave a couple of people behind on the station. But because I'm awesome, I wasn't one of them, AHAH!

But then there was a rather sour moment in this day. We had to do a presentation. That's not bad, you say? Well actually, it's proven by research that people fear presenting more than they fear death. I'm not one of those people (in exchange, I am terrified of death), but I AM one of those people that likes throwing around random facts at completely random moments. Anyway. The presentation felt alright to me, even if my presenting partner was shy as hell, made a hideous PowerPoint presentation and could hardly utter a word. And then it was time for feedback. Conclusion:

They think I'm too much of a teacher.

What? Everyone, including the teacher thinks this, and yet they think differently at teacher school. Well actually, the teachers at teacher school thought I was a good teacher as well, except for my TP coaches. And then one of my classmates came with the comment that he thought that I can explain thinks very well, that I am nice to listen to, but I am much too insecure. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what they call rubbing salt in the wound. That is what they call kicking someone in the already hurt shins. He didn't know, of course, but it hurt so much that class quickly turned emotional and thus very emberassing. Without knowing he gave me the precise words the TP coaches gave me before they decided I was a lousy teacher and should leave the teaching branche altogether. The teacher did give me some very comforting words; she said that switching from teacher school to Communcation, where one deals with adults and not with rioting teenagers, may have been a very good choice to make excellent use of my presenting talent. But for heaven's sake, that doesn't mean I don't miss teacher school and that I don't still want to be a teacher, and that I'm reminded of my shattered dream every day because I still attend the same school. And then this bastard sitting next to me in the media centre has the history teacher education books I used to use and... Blurgh.

On a happier note, it's almost weekend and I've discovered something dangerously delicious at the Albert Heijn To Go; ricewiches. Normally they're expensive as hell, but since they were 1,50 this time I figured I'd try them and ooohh. I wish I hadn't, because this is going to hurt both my wallet and diet.

It's two slices of onigiri-like sushi things, and then there's stuff in the middle (I had chicken). So, just a sandwich, but in stead of bread they use sushi rice. And omnomnom, it's so incredibly de-li-cious. Maybe I can make it at home. I've made sushi before!

And now I'm sitting here, waiting, because class doesn't start until 1:30 and I'm boohohoooored. And the situation is like this every Friday. Do not want. I would be so happy if they could just move the last two hours :( But that's probably never going to happen.

My blog definitely needs a new design; but how? A noob, I am it.

EDIT: OH MY GOSH *heart* Why didn't I know they had this template earlier? This is SO me. Though maybe a little dark. But definitely better than the awful pink.

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