maandag 20 september 2010


By request, another blog from me.

I only want to make one comment regarding my last blog: TP coaches can be deceiving. And that's not funny.

Angry Germans on my TV, shrieking the entire time. If anything is a good thing to wake up at 5 in the morning, it's that. Usually when I get up that early, my dad is up as well, and I don't know how he can STAND it but he always watched the German TV. Now there's this show on about a blond slutty girl who walks around in the shortest shorts ever and all she does is SHRIEK. Shriek at her boyfriend, shriek at her dad, shriek at her mother, shriek at her photographer. And really, my German isn't bad, but this show is so stoopid that I can't made head nor tails of it. What on earth is this about? Yeah. My morning wake up call.

Oh god, now they're playing Singstar. Someone shoot the TV.

Hurrdurr, I've been drawing and colouring my moodboard for SLB by hand all evening, but then suddenly a classmate calls me to inform me that SLB is cancelled for tomorrow :G! All that work for nothiiiiiiing~! But then again, now I only have to go to school 'till 11 AM or something so I'll be home early to start with the mail, lala.

I still can't hear a thing with my left ear and there's this really annoying beep in it. Don't you love ear infections? You know what's even greater about infections? You get antibiotics. You know what antibiotics do? They make your pee smell like it came right from hell, oh god. TMI? Don't care, it's 5 AM, I can say whatever the phuck I want *snobby face*

At least, despite my ear infection, I can now listen to music again! I couldn't take my MP3 player on the train yesterday, yeah well basically I could, but I had no earphones. Somehow they ended up on the floor, when mother was vacuum cleaning the floor... And... ... Do I really still need to describe what happened?

Anyhow, have to get dressed like lightning speed now, because suddenly 5 AM is 5:39 AM D: Oh snap.

Well, wans't this huuuuugely interesting? Haha.


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