zondag 25 oktober 2009

Here we go again

Here I am, sitting in the room on my own at half past midnight, eating a tangerine and crying my eyes out because my mother accidentally broke my favourite mug with Paddington Bear on it. Yeah, it's that time of the month again.

On a happier note, and to great request, a blog about my amazing Anglo Adventures! Berdien, Don and I went to visit dear Kees in England to keep her company in the big empty villa while her au pair family was on a holiday. Oh bother, such a burden to bear! How ever could we survive a long weekend in such a big house, all the way in England? I'll tell you exactly how!

The day before we went to England, Berdien and I stayed over at her boyfriend Don's place. We had planned to go to bed really early because we had to take a taxi at 6:30 the next morning, but everyone knows what you get when you put three nerds in one room. Insomnia. We spent most of the time watching silly pictures and went to bed. Next morning we had a very yummie breakfast with appelflappen and croissantjes and then took a fancy fancy white leather taxi to Schiphol. Yeaahhh! My first time on a plane! Snaaaaaakes on a plaaaaane, I seeee snaaaaaakes on a pla-... Sorry.

Schiphol is fecking awesome and humongous! We hung out there before we could board our plane, but not after we had our luggage checked. You know what's ridiculous? You can't even bring a torch. Or an axe. Or radio active isotopes. How on earth do I spend my time on the plane and in England if I don't even have my radio active isotopes with me? Tsssk! Anyway, the plane trip was awesome. It was beautiful to see all the clouds and it really looked as if you could walk on them. Except we didn't really try. It was kinda rainy outside.

We arrived in London Luton, took a bustrip to London Waterloo where we robbed a sushi stor-. eehh, I mean, where we bought our lunch in a sushi store and guess what? We stumbled upon a Kees! What a coincedence! We decided to tag along with her to Horsley after a lot of hassle of finding a litter bin, train tickets and the right platform. The train trip was looong but gezellig, except that all of us were terribly tired. We arrived in Horsley and enjoyed the beaaaauutiful autumn views and the hills and first dragged our massive suitcases on to the supermarket where we bought a month's supply of crisps which we finished in ehm... a couple of hours. Then we had to take a murderous hill into a big arse villa neighbourhood where we couldn't keep our eyes of the awesome houses. We first got a tour, then cleaned the house with our dearest friend Henry, the love of my life. Then we peeled/cut potatoes and apples and started on cooking. When the family came home they all were so very nice and the children were really really cute. Eventually we and the children were on a mission to destroy evidence of three cups of Ben & Jerry's. We devoured them in say, ten minutes. After which we were horribly nauseous. Like, really horrible.

Next day we went to Guildford, which was really really really pretty! Again many many hills which are very bad for lazy people like me, but it was totally worth it. We ate 'mini dutch pancakes' AKA poffertjes and the blasphemous woman selling them wasn't even Dutch! The stand next to her had her husband selling German sausages. I mean, what....? Oh well, British! I bought godmother soap from my new favourite store; Lush and a beaaauuttiful new jumped at the very very very typically British store called......... H&M. I couldn't resist it. And peer pressure, PEER PRESSURE! Linda forced me! And then I was finally reunited with my beloved Sourz in a very hooliganish pub that made us sing the Manchester United song from Eurotrip all day......... And suddenly the Sourz was gone. I blame Henry. We then took a trip home and we dived onto the electic/automatic/chilaxing sofa with a pile of crisps and movies and booze and snakebites and jollyness. Then we ate toad in a hole. Yummmm! Oh and before we got home we experienced a bit of our very own Blairwitch Project in the dark. Except there was no Blair. And no Witch. And no project either.

Next day Linda and I decided to let Berdien and Don have a bit of alone time and sent them off to London while we were having very serious matters at home involving crips, TV, sofa and Hannibal Lecter. The reason we weren't going along to London had nothing to do with us being broke, nothing! We spent out day analyzing cannibals and very serious behaviour, we had some very essential testing of crips, had to review a Disney movie in HD quality, got involved with very heavy chairobics after which it really was necessary for us to do some ritual pancake baking. During the ritual pancake baking we witnessed the glorious and heavenly birth of Balloon Pancake. Unfortunately it had to go back to Pancake Heaven soon before we could take a picture of it. Berdien and Don then returned and we commenced our movie analyzing and went to bed very early. Right. I almost believed that myself.

Uuuuunfortunately the next day was Monday and we had to go home again. We strolled across London, looking like zombies, doing some sightseeing involved the London Eye, Parliament, Westminster Abby and the local Tesco's. But nothing could beat the seagulls and most of all; the arcade! It had DDR! And we spent Berdien and Don's last pounds on those bloody machines that made me sweat like no tomorrow. But then again who wears a woolen turtleneck jumped while playing DDR? Moi. It kicked so much ass that I ordered my own DDR pads. Then we had a bawwwfest supreme and we went back to the airport. Our flight was delayed which was a bit meh, but in return we had a beautiful flight in the dark where we could see the thousands of lights on London. And when we arrived of Amsterdam, but Amsterdam is stupid, ugly and smelly. I then said bye bye to Berdien and Don and took a very very very long train trip home.

And here I am again, being very bored and missing my friends and having to start all over again on my homework because my slutty laptop thought it was fun to crash on me. Daaamnnn youuuu~!

Also: IN TWO DAYS IS THE RELEASE OF THE NEW WHEEL OF TIME BOOK, AAAHHHH! *runs around flailing arms* Hopefully my book will arrive on the actual day of release. And if so; my brain will be shut down until I've finished the book.

And suddenly it's 1 AM. Good night!


dinsdag 13 oktober 2009

End my sorrrooooowwwww!

No, I haven't suddenly turned emo and want to take the exit of life, but I'm this extremely boring class being bored to death. Did I mention I'm awfully bored? I should have accidentally overslept this morning, seriously. And I wish it was Fridaaaaaay! First time on a plane, woosh! Wanna bet that I'll get motion sickness and barf all over the place? Yeah. That'll be something for me alright. And then it's time for badgerhunting, because we have to end this terror! We have to prevent all ankles from being nommed!

Amancé and me in class:

zondag 4 oktober 2009

Hold my poodle!

If there is one thing you need to know about me, it's that you don't engage in a debate with me if you value your life. I am merciless. I am inexhaustible. I am destructive. You will LOSE. Unless you're that friend from my previous blog entry ._.

One foolish girl tried to test her luck by challenging me into a debate, or a discussion more likely. Well, en garde my lady, let's battle, even though I will soong grow tired of you. And after five or so minute I did indeed grow tired because, surprise surprise, she ran out of arguments and defenses before that. If there is one thing I despise more than anything else it's people who run around and claiming things and not being able to support their 'awesome-o opinions' and lacking arguments. Even worse is when they'll start to bawww about my cruelty, or rather, their own weakness. Score: 1-0 to me.

Even before Round Two started, you make a fool of yourself. You can't even push your opinion for a grade, you come unprepared but even if you would have done something before hand you would have FAILED. You are like the King Midas of FAIL. And then when you are to receive feedback, because others are more merciful than I am and will pretend to offer help, you will jump on your drama llama and prance away because, oh! How dare they question your Skillzz of Awesome, how dare they give you hints to get better grades! Of course you have to pick up your shield and sword and parry them as if they were some enemy attack. You're supposed to be a fourth grader, didn't they ever learn you to shut up and listen when a teacher is giving you feedback? If you can't handle criticism, then what on earth are you going to do in front of the class? The students will tear you apart like a horde of rabid swines. We were trying to be helpful and what do you say? "But you always have critique on everything!" You dare call me a hypocrite? You DARE?! Bawwing on constructive feedback or partaking in a debate -you- started is the same now? I thought not. Yes, I rant and complain and nag and whine in class and outside too, but I can entertain you for a week with all the arguments I have to go with it. Unlike you, who will sniffle and pout and write 'secret notes' with the classmate next to you about me, because at least your collegue weakling won't tell you the truth. We'll meet again on the battlefield, but for now I'll polish my sword.

MY god, I'm so absolutely bored D:


donderdag 1 oktober 2009

I got stomped. !DRAMA LLAMA SPOTTED!

Like, really badly. Just now I figured out that one should not start a debate or a discussion with someone smarter than you and especially not political or religious discussions. It doesn't help either when you have a discussion about religion with someone who does believe in a higher power while I myself can't even imagine believing in a god or anything. I can't see why I should believe in an invisable being or person, to put my faith into something or someone who will apparantly 'guide' my life and judge over me while there is never a sign or existance. No confirmation about whether I'm doing it right or wrong, no promises of rewards except what's written in a book 2000 years ago. When I'm in trouble, no matter what kind of trouble, I have to fix it myself. Not my friends, not my parents, not my teachers so why should I then rely on something that's never proven it's existance? Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with other people believing in their own gods and symbols. Hell, I wouldn't even care if they held a mass in the middle of the train station, as long as they let me pass in peace and let me live in non-belief.

This particular discussion my friend and I had was about gay marriage and the acceptation of homosexuality. The main reason it's not accepted in majority of countries is because of religious reason. My question then was, "But why would that god forbid it?" and there is literally no answer to be found, anywhere. Why is it wrong for two men or two women to share their lives? They don't force it upon you, they don't make you live with them in the house, they're not trying to expand their 'dominion' by wanting more people to be gay, unlike religions who just want to spread and spread and refuse to accept people who defy their belief. The friend then asked me, "If people can believe whatever they want, then why can't you let them believe homosexuality is wrong?" and I had no answer for that. I tried and I fought, to my idea I had very good arguments, but he was simply too strong. He kept coming back simply because he can believe in the fact that something is the way it is because god said so. Now, we were discussion this from the Christian point of view and he is Jewish and I don't believe so it was a nasty discussion in the first place, but... Hell, it's so tiring to be bashed down again and again by statements you don't even believe in. I simply no longer had the energy or the confidence to come up with new arguments. It's even worse when you love that friend so dearly, you can't even get angry because he dos believe and you don't.

And then when I told him I couldn't believe I lost the discussion, he said there was nothing to lose because this was simply a philosophical discussion with a friend. He's right. But then he dared to ask, "I'm a friend, right?" Such foolishness. There isn't probably a friend more dear to me. Not only did I, to my feelings, lose an important discussion, but apparantly I've also not given enough proof of how much I care. And I don't mean that in the sense if 'pity me, I'm a lousy friend', but in the case of 'pity him because he still has doubts over my friendship'.

Drama Llama blog out.