zondag 4 oktober 2009

Hold my poodle!

If there is one thing you need to know about me, it's that you don't engage in a debate with me if you value your life. I am merciless. I am inexhaustible. I am destructive. You will LOSE. Unless you're that friend from my previous blog entry ._.

One foolish girl tried to test her luck by challenging me into a debate, or a discussion more likely. Well, en garde my lady, let's battle, even though I will soong grow tired of you. And after five or so minute I did indeed grow tired because, surprise surprise, she ran out of arguments and defenses before that. If there is one thing I despise more than anything else it's people who run around and claiming things and not being able to support their 'awesome-o opinions' and lacking arguments. Even worse is when they'll start to bawww about my cruelty, or rather, their own weakness. Score: 1-0 to me.

Even before Round Two started, you make a fool of yourself. You can't even push your opinion for a grade, you come unprepared but even if you would have done something before hand you would have FAILED. You are like the King Midas of FAIL. And then when you are to receive feedback, because others are more merciful than I am and will pretend to offer help, you will jump on your drama llama and prance away because, oh! How dare they question your Skillzz of Awesome, how dare they give you hints to get better grades! Of course you have to pick up your shield and sword and parry them as if they were some enemy attack. You're supposed to be a fourth grader, didn't they ever learn you to shut up and listen when a teacher is giving you feedback? If you can't handle criticism, then what on earth are you going to do in front of the class? The students will tear you apart like a horde of rabid swines. We were trying to be helpful and what do you say? "But you always have critique on everything!" You dare call me a hypocrite? You DARE?! Bawwing on constructive feedback or partaking in a debate -you- started is the same now? I thought not. Yes, I rant and complain and nag and whine in class and outside too, but I can entertain you for a week with all the arguments I have to go with it. Unlike you, who will sniffle and pout and write 'secret notes' with the classmate next to you about me, because at least your collegue weakling won't tell you the truth. We'll meet again on the battlefield, but for now I'll polish my sword.

MY god, I'm so absolutely bored D:


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