donderdag 26 november 2009

I shant bow down to you

Now my old quarrels finally are settled and new friendships made, new ones have sprouted from those ashes. This time they were nowhere nearly my fault, but simply because someone's ego has blown up so much that is is about to burst from the seams. So, you think you are above the class? You think your social virginity is more holy than our vulgair behaviour? No. You are not holy, nor virgin, nor much more intelligent than we are. Oh yes, you might have passed one or two more tests than we did and perhaps with slightly higher grades. But how do you enjoy these new developments, of belong along with us in the flock of people who failed this one test? And how dare you flame at your own friends for it? It's not their fault, arse. And leave -my- friends alone too, or I I will give you a horrorshow mighty tolchock on your merzky litso.

In the meanwhile I am sitting sick at home. Yesterday I was complaining about how I didn't want to go, but yeah... Sometimes you get what you wish for, though those things aren't often pleasant. On the way home my bowels suddenly started some riots with all explosive and violent effects to deal with. Oh and the non-existant lord grant me mercy, I was still two hours away from home, leaving me no choice but to make use of the train's doubleyou cee. I am convinced that I now not only have explosive bowels, but also some alien disease.

And with this rant finished, I shall close off with one final random statement: WE'RE HAVING SAUERKRAUT FOR DINNER, FUCK YEAH <3

maandag 16 november 2009

What sits there all in an English breakfast?

Jesus H. Christ on a cracker, if I ever meet someone in real life with English grammar like that... Murder WILL commence. My own English hasn't been the best of late due to an extreme cause of lazyness and lack of give-a-damn, but come ON. Don't you listen to the television? Don't you listen to the lyrics of songs? Don't you read English everywhere in the world these days? Have you ever heard a ridiculous sentence like that in a sane piece of text? No. NO!

And now, the Middle Ages. Every new class we have to bring forward important events and persons from that era, like Alexander the Great for the Romans, Machiavelli for the Renaissance, William the Silent for Dutch history, etc etc. But... But when they asked us about the Middle Ages... *Insert sound of chirping crickets here*. Seriously nothing happens in the Middle Ages except for like... monks and monestries. How INTERESTING for a non-believer.

KRAWWWWLING IN MAI SKINZZZZ, THEM WUNDS DEY WILL NOT HEALLLLL. Which is an indication that my November angsty emoness is still raging. Oh, I wish it was December yet. Then it will be December angsty emoness, it's very closely modelled on the November angsty emoness but... Not quite the same. At least December has Sinterklaas and Christmas, the latter being less whooptiedoo for emotional lurnerlynezz. Yeah, my family will be visiting and we will be having the most delicious 'stamppot' dinner, but... Muh! It's not as if I'm particularly fond of my family, especially two of them with whom I'll most definitely be having a fight again because they are so confinced they are superior to me. BUT NOBODY IS SUPERIOR TO ME, FOOLS, HAAAAHAAAAHAAA-*chokes on cough* I want to cuddle on the couch and watch sappy movies and berlejrkehjt. I'll be single forever. FOREVER! Unless I lose weight. But... December = Sinterklaas = chocolate = fat. December = too cold to go outside = no exercise = MOAR FAT. And losing weight = exercise = either boring or = expensive. Bah. I'm doomed, I tell you, DOOMED. 

And my new timetable sucks. What do you mean, class on Mondays?! What do you mean, class on Thursdays?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN CLASS FROM HALF 3 TO HALF 4?!

This blog. It contains too much capslock.

maandag 9 november 2009


I scored an 8 for Dutch History! Yaaaaaay~! *Runs around flailing arms* That is, if I hand in my portfolio this week. Portfolios! BAH! And now I'm sitting here waiting until I have my meeting with the dean, which is in 25 minutes. And suddenly I find myself being very 'melig', which is a bit sad because I'm here in the Media Centre on my own. Well, not really on my own but on my own as in there is nobody here I know. Or maybe I do know but... Oh well!

I had my dorko moment this morning quite early already. Actually it started yesterday evening. Today's exam/convo was at 11:30 so I typed that in on the public traffic site. Or did I...? Because suddenly I found myself at the train station at a quarter to eleven and I suddenly wondered since when it took the train half an hour to get to Zwolle. I TOOK. A TRAIN. TOO. GODDAMN LATE! Well not a real biggie because I just joined in on another group but I -did- miss the conversation with the teacher about the exam. Which was mainly because they had gone ahead of me and went into another classroom so I couldn't find them -_- Thanks very much for waiting. Oh well, in the end there was nothing I could have changed anyway. Teacher's will is law, remember that kids. And I guess that no matter what that teacher had said I would have just blushes and nodded in agreement. DAMMIT! It's not fair to disarm with looks.

So, I'm eating Samson&Gert cookies in a university's Media Centre... And of course I suddenly find myself having an immense BURST of novel-writing-inspiration and I have nothing to write it down ooooon!

Next month I'm going to start going to the gym. Yeah. The Gym, with capitals. It's the liar of my arch enemies. Skinny Barbie dolls will be observing me as I hobble along on the treadmill and hometrainers. But fuck, it's for a good cause. I'm sick of having to drag my weight around with me, or not being able to wear whatever the feck I want. SOON, WORLD, SOON! YOU SHALL OBEY MY BEAUTY AND ALL SHALL FAAALLLL MUWHHHAHAHAHAHAHAH*cough*

The guy next to me thinks he can type faster than I can. We haven't officially started a contest but I can see him sneakily glancing at my keyboard all the time, as if he's wondering whether I'm actually really writing something. Or perhaps he's wondering whether I'm human or not, because I'm so awesome. AWESOME. You know why? Because I scored an 8 for Dutch history, bitches!

And now I want to go home. Huwaaaaaa.

woensdag 4 november 2009

Mission Completed, 9999 EXP Gained.

I no longer have to see the shrink, the soul pincher, or what ever nickname you like to attach to it. I am sane again! Or that is what we like humanity to think. Everyone who knows me of course knows that sanity and me are like fire and water, like cat and mouse, like... Okay, you get the point. I did have a slight panic attack last week but I was able to correct myself and tell myself that I was thinking nonsense again, which is good enough for me and apparantly for the shrink as well. The fact I've gained a lot more confidence is hard to ignore, for myself and possibly for the outside world. How long can you stand this new arrogance, huh? HUH?!

Meh, of course it's not as if I don't have anything better to do. Tomorrow is the Egypt/Mesopotamia/Greek history test and it kind of sucks how much you actually have to learn for it. The plus side is that, other than with the Roman history test which I majorly flunked, I now sort of now what to study for which makes things a lot less solid and chaotic. Hopefully this will go better.

As if tomorrow's test is the only thing I have worries about... Tomorrow is the day the 'deurwaarder' was actually going to visit and take away my stuff. I've managed to arrange proof that I didn't have to pay the bill, but I have no idea whether those dear tax-people brought that message over to the money-collectors. But then again, the tax-people wanted the money-collectors to get the money FOR them and since they are now aware of the fact they can no longer get it from me, it would be useless to still send them, right? Right...? Bah, the woes of being an adult.

Ahh, November, the time of golden leaves and chilly winds. November of early darkness and necessary umbrellas. November, the month before December and other random poetic nonsense. But most of all, November, the time of nostalgia. I know I shouldn't still think back of then, that I should forget and move on, but I am only human and I am weak. She would have laughed at that weakness, as she now laughs at most things I do, the reason I should most of all forget. But I cannot, and refuse to, forget the better times. The times of November, the times of December, the times of walking around the city in the late evenings with the end-of-the-year lights on, the period of having to be picked up from the metro station to prevent being raped/robbed/etc. Of getting chocolate letters from her mother, of travelling home in the weekend after having proudly bought Christmas presents for my parents, my sister. And the time of returning there from Christmas holiday and having to hear it's over. I that city, I miss you, I miss your brother, I miss your mother, I miss your silly dogs.

My god, I didn't know a 20-year-old could be a sentimental old fool. I really shouldn't watch so many soap operas xD

Also: OH MY LORD THE NEW WHEEL OF TIME BOOK ARRIVED AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH AND EGWENE KICKS SO MUCH ARSE AND SIUAN TO AND OOOHHHHHHH. I'm really glad it was Brandon Sanderson to finish the series, because I can only say I like his style of writing. Yeah, sometimes his vocabulary is a bit too 2oth-century-ish, but it absolutely does not ruin the feeling and atmosphere of the story. It reads away quickly, it's Wheel of Time to the fullest. The only thing that is a MAJOR shame and most likely result of splitting the books into three is that little is actually happening. The Black Tower is not touched and thus neither is my favourite character who in my prejudiced eyes has a -very- important position in the story... And the promised return of my second-favourite character Moiraine has been delayed to the new book as well. Sigh. And so, with more than 60% of reading to go of the current book I am already desperately waiting for the new one, to be released next year. Or so they say.