donderdag 26 november 2009

I shant bow down to you

Now my old quarrels finally are settled and new friendships made, new ones have sprouted from those ashes. This time they were nowhere nearly my fault, but simply because someone's ego has blown up so much that is is about to burst from the seams. So, you think you are above the class? You think your social virginity is more holy than our vulgair behaviour? No. You are not holy, nor virgin, nor much more intelligent than we are. Oh yes, you might have passed one or two more tests than we did and perhaps with slightly higher grades. But how do you enjoy these new developments, of belong along with us in the flock of people who failed this one test? And how dare you flame at your own friends for it? It's not their fault, arse. And leave -my- friends alone too, or I I will give you a horrorshow mighty tolchock on your merzky litso.

In the meanwhile I am sitting sick at home. Yesterday I was complaining about how I didn't want to go, but yeah... Sometimes you get what you wish for, though those things aren't often pleasant. On the way home my bowels suddenly started some riots with all explosive and violent effects to deal with. Oh and the non-existant lord grant me mercy, I was still two hours away from home, leaving me no choice but to make use of the train's doubleyou cee. I am convinced that I now not only have explosive bowels, but also some alien disease.

And with this rant finished, I shall close off with one final random statement: WE'RE HAVING SAUERKRAUT FOR DINNER, FUCK YEAH <3

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