maandag 16 november 2009

What sits there all in an English breakfast?

Jesus H. Christ on a cracker, if I ever meet someone in real life with English grammar like that... Murder WILL commence. My own English hasn't been the best of late due to an extreme cause of lazyness and lack of give-a-damn, but come ON. Don't you listen to the television? Don't you listen to the lyrics of songs? Don't you read English everywhere in the world these days? Have you ever heard a ridiculous sentence like that in a sane piece of text? No. NO!

And now, the Middle Ages. Every new class we have to bring forward important events and persons from that era, like Alexander the Great for the Romans, Machiavelli for the Renaissance, William the Silent for Dutch history, etc etc. But... But when they asked us about the Middle Ages... *Insert sound of chirping crickets here*. Seriously nothing happens in the Middle Ages except for like... monks and monestries. How INTERESTING for a non-believer.

KRAWWWWLING IN MAI SKINZZZZ, THEM WUNDS DEY WILL NOT HEALLLLL. Which is an indication that my November angsty emoness is still raging. Oh, I wish it was December yet. Then it will be December angsty emoness, it's very closely modelled on the November angsty emoness but... Not quite the same. At least December has Sinterklaas and Christmas, the latter being less whooptiedoo for emotional lurnerlynezz. Yeah, my family will be visiting and we will be having the most delicious 'stamppot' dinner, but... Muh! It's not as if I'm particularly fond of my family, especially two of them with whom I'll most definitely be having a fight again because they are so confinced they are superior to me. BUT NOBODY IS SUPERIOR TO ME, FOOLS, HAAAAHAAAAHAAA-*chokes on cough* I want to cuddle on the couch and watch sappy movies and berlejrkehjt. I'll be single forever. FOREVER! Unless I lose weight. But... December = Sinterklaas = chocolate = fat. December = too cold to go outside = no exercise = MOAR FAT. And losing weight = exercise = either boring or = expensive. Bah. I'm doomed, I tell you, DOOMED. 

And my new timetable sucks. What do you mean, class on Mondays?! What do you mean, class on Thursdays?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN CLASS FROM HALF 3 TO HALF 4?!

This blog. It contains too much capslock.

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