donderdag 18 maart 2010

I'm doing homework! Really!


This is what the first gorgeous rays of sun are doing to me. And I haven't even been outside yet today, hawhawhaw. I was yesterday, I went to the ever so spectacular market with my mummy-dear and when we got home my poor bunny was staring at me with his poor... ... bunny-eyes? He has long hair which needs to be combed daily, but it hardly happens once a year. I've got a semi-good excuse though. If I go near the animal I get horrible spastical sneezing attacks and moments later I can't breathe anymore. Oh and rashes too. But yesterday I decided it was enough! I got the poor animal out of his cage and cut his hair and cut his nails and let it walk outside in the garden. It helped me rake the garden by digging holes and it was really cute 'n all. Dawww, bunny :heart:

That's not my foot, but that is my bunny!

My sister and a friend of hers and I went to the circus yesterday. It was really cool! They had tigers and elephants and doggies and all sorts of stuff and A GIRAFFE. Which was so cute cute cute cute cute. What was a lot less cute was that I was sitting on the edge, at the front... And then the clowns came... And oh god. I don't want to remember it.

And I'd better not get the Red Week of Joy tomorrow because then I can't go swimming. Swimming, you say? Why yes. If I can I'm swimming twice a week now! It's horribly expensive but it's exercise I can live with. It trains all my muscles and it also helps me get rid of my aquaphobia. If I really want to lose weight I have to cut on every cookie I want to eat though. Meh. And take walks on the days I don't go swimming... Blegh, I absolutely don't feel like walking but it's going to be less horrible if the weather stays beautiful like this. One day I'll be my sexy self again.

This blog wouldn't be a blog of mine if there wasn't at least one thing I ranted about. And what's every student's favourite subject to rant about? Yes! School! That idiotic dean is just NOT mailing me back! It wasn't an important question or anything... It only involved me being able to get my P or not... Solely depending on his reply... Seriously, how hard is it to click the fucking reply button and push a few buttons? If he doesn't feel like replying he can at least send me the name of someone who DOES! My incredibly amazing school once again decided to plan an exam at 6:30 in evening. Which will last until 8:30. Which mean I can either not get home at all or I'll be home at like, 12:30. Which is RIDICULOUS! Now I have to make that exam next period, meaning I've had to skip this exam for TWO PERIODS simply because it's planned at such a stupid time. Feh. They're not rid of me yet.

And more school ranting; I still have a lot of Onderwijskunde to do *sob* I really hate that subject. It's all very interesting, but those subjects. FFFFF! And my historisch werkstuk needs to die. DIE!

On a happier school-related note; I ABSOLUTELY LAV MY NEW TP SCHOOL :heart:

And now I'm hungry and I'm going to eat a matzes.

PS: I wasn't really doing homework, you know. Everytime I attempt to do my homework I end up writing a blog :B

2 opmerkingen:

  1. keess.... i told you if you have an exam that late, just come and stay the night here after it and go home in the morning!
