So much frustration on school, blegh. It almost makes you wonder if it's even worth it. But then when I sit in Law class and it's all interesting and useful to know, it makes me happy again. Talking about Law class, we suddenly had a pop quiz. That was a bit of a nasty surprise, since I've only attended one working class and two lectures. Not by personal choice, mind you, the first time I was ill (surprise, two infections) and the second time the train didn't show up. But nevertheless, the test was relatively easy and I'm curious about the results.
Haha, one of the questions was funny. It asked what type of law was involved in the case: Henk votes for the VVD. I encircled the right answer (I hope), but wrote something next to it:
"Henk is a loser, thanks Henk! >:C"
I'm so funny.
I couldn't have bought my new boots at a better time of the year. Oh my gosh, it's so insanely cold! When I got downstairs this morning it was only 16 degrees in the living room. When it's 16 degrees outside, you put on a COAT. So, whether there was going to be whining and nagging or not, I turned on the central heating. Brrr! And it's not one bit better outside. Ah, the positive side of it is that it wakes me up a bit when switching trains in Deventer.
Ahh, tomorrow. There is going to be a long, long, long train trip... Why isn't Maastricht a bit closer? But it's probably going to be worth it, sleepovers with the Kezen is always a lot of fun, and they're probably even better in a really pretty city. I could really use the social interactions!
I have to go to the dietitian again on Wednesday and I'm not really sure she and I will be satisfied with what we'll see. It's been a really horrible month. First there was my sister's birthday so you eat everything that's forbidden, and then when you've eaten bad stuff you're like "Pff, what does it matter, I might as well continue with it", and then I got pretty sick for 1,5 week... Bluh. But at least I'm doing well again, and I think the dietitian will probably understand that everyone sometimes has a bad month. Right........?!