donderdag 4 november 2010

Impatience strikes once moar

Probably some of my worst bad habits are my insane impatience and greediness. If I see something I want, I WANT it and I want it INSTANTLY. Whether it's a beautiful person or a book I've been waiting for to be released for over a year. Talking about the last subject, I'm sitting here writhing in agony because it's not arrived yet. Everyone I know and likes the series already has the book and in fact most of them already are finished reading it. It's so unfair! Last year I ordered the book on because they're always on time with their deliveries, but the book didn't arrive in time because of delivery problems. I thought I'd learnt from that so I ordered the book at the local bookstore but now it seems all the bookstores have trouble getting the books delivered and BOL.COM HAS A 100% GUARANTEE IT WILL ARRIVE TOMORROW IF I ORDER IT NOW. FFFFFffuuuu--. And why do I not order it at Well, I have a 15 Euro book voucher which they don't accept over there. And next to impatient and greedy I'm also stingy.

On the more positive side, school is going great. The Project was rounded off with a sufficient grade and so was the Presenting course. If everything's going right Reporting, Spelling and Communication are sufficient as well which means I should have earnt 11 ECs out of 60 so far! Doesn't that kick so much ass? Who knows, I might even get my Propedeuse in one year!

Last Sunday was the second NGamer Forum meeting and it was absolutely amazing! We went to Utrecht where we first had a couple of drinks at an insanely expensive restaurant and then we went to the bowling ally where we did some pictionairy before we actually got to the bowling. Unlike last time, my bowling skills were nowhere to be found and I ended up 17th out of 21 :C Thankfully the people who had shown up were really really cool (even the ones I hadn't met before) and the traditional visit to the pizzeria was really cool and delicious. Mozzarella pizza omnomnomnom.

Now I'll get back to sorting the FUCKING BLOODY SHIT MAIL and being in agony over not having Towers of Midnight wahhhhhhhh.

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