vrijdag 8 oktober 2010

Go blood! (Happy blog, very rare)

Guess what, it's Friday afternoon again and I'm having a 3 hour break (seriously) before my last two dreadfully boring hours of class will start. It's pretty much like this every week and it's getting a bit annoying, but at least I'm not as lame as my classmates of which the majority just went home. Even though the difference between being home at 1 and being home at 6 is great, I prefer just going to class and picking up the knowledge.

Ha! My last presentation was awful, but this time it was GREAT! We had to tell something about a company or organisation and I chose to talk about Sanquin, the bloodbank. I can talk about that for hours in the first place, but apparently I'm very good at convincing people of things. (Maybe I should start a cult? That could be interesting.) My PowerPoint presentation looked great according to the teacher/classmates which was probably because I used Sanquin's "huisstijl". This was the first time I ever made a proper PowerPoint, actually. Maybe a hidden talent has been uncovered? But what made me happiest is that after the presentation two people came to me and told me they were now seriously considering to sign up as blood donors. This makes me a happy Kees!

You know what also makes me a happy Kees?

1) It's Friday!

2) That means: WEEKEND!

3) And fries for dinner <3

4) Sleeping in, ahh...

It's all great fun today, with the exception of waking up at 5 AM and the woman next to me in the train barfing all over. (No, she did it in a bag, but still, the smell, omg). I offered her a peppermint because I'm so awesome and I remember how awful barf tastes. And I had a few laughs with the classmates sitting next to me in class, huzzah! If only I could go home now and I wouldn't have to do Exercase tonight, waah!

And tonight Moonlight's on, which I really like. Mick and Beth are both such nice characters and it doesn't often happen that I like the main character of a series, let alone two of them.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. 1) Fridays suck. Long days for me.
    2) Weekend? That shit starts tomorrow for me >:(
    3) Fries? What would miss Dietist say about that?!
    4) ZZzzzz........ yes~

  2. Have a really nice weekend dear!! I like Moonlight too!
