woensdag 30 september 2009

THIS IS....!

Sparta indeed, but I have little good to say about it. About that movie '300' at least. I think I'm slowly turning into a history snob or something but watching a historical novel turned into a movie right after you've had a class about that subject is going to make everyone into one. This was a typical case of not "This is Sparta!" but of' "This is Hollywood!". The thing that annoyed me most was the fact it was apparantly normal for them to go to war in a single red cloak and leather underwear. A magnificent fake sixpack is hardly going to protect you from arrows, spears and swords. And how come everything these days has to be smeared with this poo-like colour filter? Yes, it makes things a lot darker and eerier, but also more po0-like. And and and and... The only drop-dead gorgeous Spartan did indeed drop dead, after he got decapitated. I will sit in a corner and pout now.

So, the change from English to History has almost officially been done. Both departments are informed about it now and all I need to do is gain up on last year's methodology and pedagogueshit and finish the minor. Of course my parents were being a bunch of non-understanding shrimps again, going all berserk over me "not knowing what I want". I know very well what I want. I want to be a teacher and I'm going to be one, I just changed subjects. It makes me even more annoyed to know that they're quite proud if my sister's education change and she switched schools THREE MONTHS before GRADUATION.

Next on the list of ranting: the prejudices about the Netherlands. I can't even mention the country I live in to outsiders without being called a stoner or a whore because that's apparantly what we're known for. First I thought it was just the shallow minority without brains but now even my best friend from America with a brain capacity bigger than all the people I know combined holds these prejudices... I've lost my hope for a positive image of the Netherlands, all because of one damn city. Yes, Amsterdam, you've damaged us and I'll never forgive you. What's so special about that city anyway? It's not particularly pretty, it doesn't have too much impressive shops (80% is a complex of McDo's or some other foodstand), it smells bad and looks bad because there is litter everywhere and the latter is tourists included. All the prejudice about drugs being allowed in the Netherlands is complete nonsense because not only is it -not- allowed, but 90% of the stoners are actually tourists. Save the Netherlands! Please!

Last but not least: the goddamn bus. If it's not too full for me to go along, it's stuck in a traffic jam so I'll be late for school no matter what. GRRRR!

And now I ran out of things to rant about! *gasps like a fish on the land* I can't live without ranting! Noooo! Noooooooo...! Noooo-ooo-o--o-o....!

THIS IS THE END OF MY BLOOOOOOOOGGGGGGG! *gives it a kick so it goes online*

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