zondag 20 september 2009

White 'n nerdy

They see me rollin', they hatin'!

This weekend was Abunai!, an anime convention that's annually being held relatively close to where I live. Unfortunately it's still not close enough to travel back and forth so I stayed over at a friend's place, which was very very very amazing. Not only were the people in the house very open and friendly, but the house itself... Woah. I got lost on the way to the toilet and I'm really not kidding. You need GPS to find the exit, I swear!

Okay, maybe not.

I decided not to drag my cosplays along because I didn't think the weather would be fit for it (and I had to go to school late so I would end up in the classroom and people would look at me thinking I'm going to move into the school. Which would fail.) so of course the weather had to backstab me and be beautiful. And boy, was I sorry. This was only my third con and I've always cosplayed before so this time it was quite... boring. I felt like an outsider really, as the only 'sane' person on the outside while I'm just as white 'n nerdy on the inside as all the rest. I did wear my kitty-eared headband (which earned me a hug from a complete stranger who "always wanted to hug a neko!!!"), but still. Other than random fangirl squeeling and whining and bitching about sore feet and backs we wasted a month's studyfinancing in the dealerroom after having stood in the queue for one and a half damn hours. Imagine being trapped in the middle of a bunch of sweaty cosplayers and annoyingly loudly squeeling fangirls in a no-ACed hallway. Yeah. Then we went drama-lama spotting and found two excellent examples which we then /ignored with a lot of lulz, they were totally having a lonercon. In the meanwhile we held a deodorantcon, wardrobecon and the most spectacular feature of the year; toiletcon, which attracted more people than the actual Abunai! con. We should charge next time.

Other highlights:
- Meeting friends from former cons
- Swirls
- Swirls
- Our homemade failbento
- Swirls
- Funny black woman jokes: "HOLD MY EARRINGS, there's gonna be some serious ass whoopin'!"
- Swirls
- Fail highfives
- Swirls
- YAOI MANG OH YEHHH. And my new Elizabeth Hawkeye keychain.
- Choking on a Swirls because of funny comments by funny people

Also, we got Rickroll'd :( It came so unexpected, there was no way we could have avoided it. Perhaps I should discuss this with my therapist before this goes out of hand. 'Fo 'Sho Bro. Next time I will cosplay, as 'Olivia Milla Armstrong' from 'Full Metal Alchemist'. Google eet, you leezy beeyotch. My mum loves the outfit, which is good, because she's gonna be makin' it. Teehee.

One more thing before I go to bed and recover from my con-exhaustion. When I got out of the bus and wanted to mount my steel mount AKA bicycle I had to look for my keys. I did and found them and when I looked up I had the most amazing conversation of the day:

Spider In Web: O HAI!
Me: OH SHI-.

If I had taken one more step I would have had a spider on my nose. Some pity please.

- Elmida

PS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4qicK39ISc

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