dinsdag 8 september 2009

Historia Magistra Vitae Est

Ha, what a fancy way to start a blog. This quote (by Cicero according to Wikipedia) was found at the bottom of the History minor's reader and since I'm a Latinphile... Why not! A cookie for anyone who guesses it's meaning. Hint: Google.

Today was my first day back in school and it was as if I had never left. Getting up at bloody 5:00 AM in the morning is still a pain in my oversized arse, I still park my bicycle at the same spot, it still takes ten minutes to cross the road in order to get to the bus stop and risk to miss it and I still get nauseous in the bus while reading the newspaper. Now I think of it, I forgot to read my horoscope this morning. Oh. MY. Lord. Tradition c-c-c-c-combo breaker!

At the train station I met two of my classmates who joined me on the History minor. It was nice to not have to arrive in awkward silence because I didn't know anyone. But then again, I'm so amazing and charming that I would have easily gathered a new posse around me, naturally. The class itself was quite nice, though the teacher was a dork and all the information we got was a bit too shallow for what I wanted to learn. But hey, it was the first lesson and very obviously also this teacher's first time teaching. The poor thing. How will he ever deal with those devious and those 'bijdehande' HBO students? To be continued.

And last but not least; a rant. I want new mangas! And yes, you perverts, you all know what kind of mangas I prefer. The nasty thing is that I can't buy them in the regular manga store (fuck you, Comicasa, you do sell that -other gender-) so I'm limited to the twice-a-year conventions. It so happens that there is a convention in two weeks I'm going to, but these kind of actions sort of make me feel like I'm buying something illegal .____.

Also, I want a boy/girlfriend. Nao. You can apply for it through my e-mail. I am not responsible for any harm done, either physically or mentally. Or financially, teehee.

- Elmida

EDIT: Oh gosh! I have been granted with time-travelling abilities! According to blogger.com, I posted this blog at 12:04 while it's obviously 21:37 in Hollanda...

1 opmerking:

  1. Ow lawl.. I wanted to respond and now I have become a follower =P yay for me =P

    All I have to say about this blog = Amen, sister (which I would normally never say, but still).. Especially the conclusion (although you can leave out the girlfriend =P).. Good luck this year!

    Ow yes, again.. Sarcasm ftw <3
